How Is Conjunctivitis Generally Treated?
eye hygiene, topical antibiotics in some cases
Detailed Answer:
Conjunctivitis is infection of the conjunctiva. It is most commonly viral or bacterial, with viral infections occurring more than bacterial.
Bacterial infections tend to be more severe with a lot of discharge in the eye , significant discomfort and redness. They require eye hygiene and topical antibiotics to the eye.
Viral infections are not as severe and are treated with eye hygiene only.
Eye hygiene involves-(1) removing discharge when it occurs with a clean wash cloth or cotton ball or wipe
There are wipes that are specific to the eye though you do not necessarily have to use these.
Hands should be washed after cleaning the eye
(2)may need to wash any pillow cases or sheets in hot water
(3)avoid touching or rubbing the eye unnecessarily
(4)cannot wear contacts while infection if you normally wear them
If there is no improvement with eye hygiene alone, then you may need topical antibiotics
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions