How Long Do Withdrawal Symptoms For Narcotics Last?
this is actually not that bad !
Detailed Answer:
While I cannot directly say in your particular case without being there, the general information on narcotic addiction would imply this is mild withdrawal (not least of which because iwth the codeine.. you are taking a narcotic and blunting the withdrawal).
Stronger symptoms would be nausea, significant vomiting, shakes, sweats, diarrhea. There's treatment for these, they peak at 2-3 days and last for 1-2 weeks til the symptoms become very mild but some abnormality .. being a bit off.. lasts for about 2 weeks. Worst is by 5 days (or less).
Let us emphasize the LESS.
The less is if the narcotic dose is low (the usual dosages prescribed are LOW), if the narcotic is NOT LONG ACTING (not a once or twice a day narcotic, but a 3 to 5 times a day narcotic). Continuing to take a narcotic lowers the severity of the withdrawal at the price of increasing the duration of it. Cannot advise on your particular case, but codeine at prescribed doses is short acting, low dose, mild. Frankly, this week, the medical literature is getting worried about the acetominophen which should not be taken in MULTIPLE WAYS at the same time due to overdose possibility: i.e. acetominophen in a cold medicine at the same time acetominophen is taken in a pain medicine and/or taken in a headache medicine.... .