How Long Does Immunity Last After Receiving Rabies Vaccination?
Thank you.
get a rabies titer and testing
Detailed Answer:
I know that this is a scary situation, but first of all most rabies is transmitted through bites, so the fact that you did not have any open wounds on your hands is a good thing.
Second your rabies vaccine should still be protective and you can have a titer drawn to see if you are still protected. If not then get a booster.
Since the exposure was pretty recent you may also want to get rabies immune globulin for extra protection.
The combination of rabies vaccine plus rabies immune globulin is called post exposure prophylaxis.
Diagnosis of rabies requires several specimens (eg, saliva, skin, serum, CSF) and multiple testing modalities, since the sensitivity of any single test is limited.
It would be good for you to see a doctor as soon as possible just to be safe.
Dr. Robinson
not necessariliy
Detailed Answer:
That would be the most cautious approach but I think since your risk is low and you got the repeat rabies vaccine on the day of exposure you should be fine. I still think it would be a good idea for you to get a rabies titer to make sure the vaccine has worked to provide you with the appropriate antibodies. If it is low then I think taking the immune globulin would be safest.
Dr. Robinson
you are correct
Detailed Answer:
You are correct that the immune globulin is usually administered around the bite, but the rest of it is administered intramscularly. You could get an intramuscular injection for extra protection but you may be too far out from the exposure now for it to be effective. It provides the body with an immediate souce of antibody against rabies.
The test you would need to get your titier is a rabies antibody titer.
Dr. Robinson