Brief Answer:
avoid fatty diet
Detailed Answer:
Sure, I remember you. Good to hear that your wound has healed completely. Now there is no need for the dressing, you can leave it open.
Now coming to your queries-
Gall bladder stores bile, which is released when you take a fatty meal. This bile is produced by the
liver at a constant rate, and is necessary for proper digestion of fat in the food. Now your gall bladder is gone, so whatever bile is being produced by the liver is going into your intestine continuously and there is no surge in the flow on taking fatty meals. So if you will take a very fatty meal, a major part of it will be undigested or incompletely digested, leading to bowel motion irregularities. So avoid that as much as possible.
2-If you can tolerate the pain comfortably then no need of pain killers, they will cause unnecessary
3-Driving will not cause any problems, but avoid big holes, else you will have pain.
Stiffness will slowly reduce as you start moving normally, it will take a month or so. Its because the scar tissue contracts as it matures. Some residual stiffness may be there for ever, of the scar.
5-First of all, males don't have
uterus, its only in females. Second, your hydrocoele has nothing to do with this. Third, i didn't exactly understand where exactly is the movement, or is there is a swelling you are talking about? Please describe it in a bit detail.
6-Sex you can have anytime, just watch for the pain. If pain is more, then better to go slow.
Masturbation should not be a problem.
Dr. Ashish Verma