How Long Does Vaccine Take To Produce Antibodies To Fight Rabies?
I stamped a stray puppy dog day before yesterday and had some contacts in my foot. But not sure from where the contact came. There was no bleeding but I got scared and went to doctor. I already had a open wound but not sure whether there was any contact from the dog. I had taken rabivax and TT medicine immediately after the incident. Do I need to take RIG and how long does the vaccine take to produce sufficient antibodies to fight rabies. Please guide me
Seven days to produce protective titres
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic,
If there is no bleeding from the site of bite, you don't requires rabies immunoglobulins but in your case as you are not sure that whether the saliva has come in contact with the wound it is better to take immunoglobulin.
According to recommendation of WHO if the saliva of the puppy comes in contact with the open wound you requires both vaccine and immunoglobulin.
Minimum of three dose of anti rabies vaccine on days 0, 3 and 7 is required to produce protective antibody titers. So singles shot of rabies immunoglobulin(RIGs) is required to provide immediate protection.
So I recommend you to take single shot of rabies immunoglobulin and 5 shots of anti rabies vaccine on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28.
Thank you.
I meet my doctor here just now and they said that it is not needed.
I have attached the snapshot of the wound I had. I know it is silly to ask this but would this would could have caused by a dog bite ?
I did not feel any pain but had felt something scratching and the dog was actually screaming when I stamped.
Doctors initially said 3 doses is enough . Please let me know if three doses is enough.
Don't look like a bite wound
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back
The picture doesn't look like a wound caused by the puppy bite.
If the puppy is available for observation and if it is healthy after 10 days of biting you can discontinue remaining two doses of anti rabies vaccine on days 14 and 28.
Thank you.
Any side effects because of rabivax ?
No side effects
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
As it was a stray puppy better to take all 5 doses of anti rabies vaccine.
There is no side effect as such.
Thank you.