How Long Should Mild Food Be Given While Having Problems With The Function Of The Pancreas?
I am Jesintha from XXXXXXX I herewith attach the medical reports of my son aged 17 years who had pancreas problem. He does not have any bad habits. He is taking medicine as per doctors advise. Mild home food is being given. But still now and then he reports mild stomach pain.
Kindly clarify the following.
1. What is the rootcause for this pancreatic problem?
2. How long we should give mild food and when can we give him normal food.
3. Whether the mild stomach pain he reports is normal or any further investigation is needed.
4. Whether it is completely curable
5. What is the home remedy?
We are very much worried since he is very young. When he gets mild stoach pain he gets disturbed.
Kindly advice us.
Yours sincerely,
find all answers in details.
Detailed Answer:
I have evaluated your query here with attached reports.
1. Root cause of pancreatic problem is varying in different cases as infection, auto
immune disturbances or others.
2. At present he is supposed to take light food, depending upon the recovery full
diet is suggested.
3. Mild stomach pain is normal part of recovery, there is no further investigations
required at present.
4. It is curable with some chances of relapse in future in some cases.
5. Home remedies include to give certain substances that can boost up his
immunity to fight against the current condition as pure honey, ginger, lemon
I would like to know his current symptoms in details for further guidance.
Feel free to ask further doubts.
Wish him fine recovery.
Please reply to the following.
1.There is some chances of relapse in future in some cases. What are the possible factors that will trigger?
2. Home remedies pure honey, ginger, lemon juice combination when should we take before meals or after meals? How many times in a day?
3.Sometimes poking sensation in stomach, sometimes pain comes after meals.
Yours sincerely,
follow up .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
1. Possible triggering factors include bacterial or viral infection, calculus formation
in pancreas, high cholesterol food stuffs, alcohol, smoking and certain unknown
2. Pure honey has to be consumed 5 ml once daily ; ginger and lemon juice
combination around 200 ml per day after meals preferably.
There should not be much of nausea, vomiting during intake of these.
3. Poking after meals recover with some time period with proton pump inhibitor
as omeprazole or others, pancreatic enzyme medicines and other supportive
Wish him fine recovery.
Take care.