How Should I Treat Painful Swelling In The Anal Region For Days After A Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy?
I had a lateral internal sphincterotomy done 4 days ago for a chronic fissure...yesterday after a bowel movement, I had some very painful swelling in my anal region. After sitting in a hot bath most of the day, the swelling came to a white head and started draining. I got much relief from the draining. The color and smell of the discharge is the exact same as the discharge that was previously coming from my rectum. I contacted hospital for fear it was an abscess, but they said it was normal and just medication that was draining. I am concerned as I don't want an abscess and then a fistula. I want to go back to work. What is your opinion?
Not satisfied by answer of healthcareprovider.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for query my dear patient,
Have seen your reports and details you have given,
Not at all satisfied by the answer given to you by your health care provider.Pain associated with discgarge may be suggestive of ongoing infection at the site.
A culture of fluid should be done to see if it is infected or sterile fluid.
Go to your XXXXXXX care provider and ask him to get a culture done.
Secondly get intravenous antibiotics for minimum of 3-5 days as bioavailability is high and concentration of antibiotic given parentrally are much higher then that given orally.
Culture report of fluid.
Take a laxative to avoid straining during bowel moment.