How To Access Viewing Of My Records?
Am opening a new ticket to allow access for viewing of my records. I would like to confirm my lung portion but also they had said i had an appendectomy and i certainly did not which is why i am doubting the report.
Here is all the info which i have tested.
Thank you for your help.
Detailed Answer:
I am not able to view your reports.
However, besides the report being wrong or exchanged with the report of some one else, it might be due to---
-Appendix not being present in its normal position,rather in some unusual position,which is the case,in many patients. The sonologist might have missed the abnormal position inadvertantly.
- You may be having a previous history of some operation in the past for some other problem in abdomen & surgeon might had to remove your appendix for some or the other reason.
- Also,congenital absence of appendix, though rare,but have been reported in medical literature.
More can be commented after seeing your report.
I will welcome any further querry from your side.