Brief Answer:
There is no cause for worry.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
1. It is not uncommon for tonsils to appear like your description above. The largest tonsil crypt is at the upper pole (crypta magna).
2. Tonsil cancers or lymphomas are rare and are accompanied by multiple symptoms as you have mentioned. Hence this is unlikely.
3. The only way to confirm would be a
biopsy. This was never done earlier as tonsil tissue bleeds torrentially when partially cut. Now with newer surgical tools such as coblation and
laser, it is possible, but only under general
anesthesia. You may get a Neck
Ultrasound done to look for any local lymph nodes. If these are absent, lymphoma is highly unlikely.
4. If you have no symptoms, regular observation and follow up will help. If you have a foreign body sensation,
tonsillectomy is an option.
5. One more option is to get a throat swab or scraping checked for viral DNA linked to oral cancers, such as
HPV types 16,18 and Ebstein Barr Virus (EBV). If these are negative, there is no cause for worry.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.