How To Check If A Child Has Swollowed A Hair Tie?
Detailed Answer:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for posting your query on HCM.
Well looking into your problem I would like to tell you that looking into the history that your are giving in my opinion yes you should seek a medical advise in ER . It will be difficult to comment whether it will be fruitful or not but atleast your mind will be clear although the posibilty is less likely that your child had swallowed it because definitely he would gag or cough but to be doubly sure you should seek a medical advise.Plus since the hair tie is soft and blunt it would not have caused any injury to the mucosa even if he has swallowed it so the child may not be coughing so it will be better to rule this out.
Take care.
Dr. Shruti
Detailed Answer:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for reverting back.
Well I told you that since the hair tie was soft it would not have caused pain so child wont react . Plus your mind will be in doubt if you wont see a doctor so in my opinion you should see a doctor.
Dr. Shruti
Detailed Answer:
Dear Madam,
You are right in saying that if he had swallowed he would have coughed at least , I told you the chances are extremely less but still you can never be sure with a child.
Dr. Shruti