How To Clear Catarrh From Ear?
Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query
I have gone through your query regarding management of catarrh from ear.
I would like to tell you that there is a connection between throat and middle ear this tubular connection is named as Eustachian tube. Infection from throat usually reaches through this tube to middle ear.
Regarding treatment one should treat the infection of throat and ear and to remove the collected fluid from middle ear. Therefore you should take-
(a) Antibiotic- Ideal way to decide it on the basis of culture & sensitivity of throat swab.
(b) Mucolytic & Decongestant.
(c) Steam inhalation.
Usually by above conervative treatment one get relief, but if catarrh is recurrent than insersion of grommet in ear drum is recomonded.
I hope this will help you.