How To Control Type 2 Diabetes?
Needs comprehensive efforts.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
I have reviewed your reports. Fasting sugar is normal, post lunch is on bit higher side.
HbA1C( which give idea about last 90 days of sugar level)
There are 3 basic pillars of diabetes management.
1. Diet control and planning
2. Exercise
3. Medicines.
You have to maintain balance between all three to have good control and live normal life.
1.Diet: Avoid high sugar diet.Take small frequent meals. Avoid junk food and high calorie food.
2. Regular exercise for most days of week for about 30-40 minutes a day is must.
3. Drugs: Regular medicines are must.
Apart from this, regular follow up with doctor and investigations form an important part of overall diabetes management.
Important message is, do not ignore or run away from diabetes.
I hope this helps.
Wishing you good health.
Insulin (Fasting) : 29.6
I am using Glycomit 850 mg twice day
My Height is 167 cm and wait is 100 kgs
some time after my meal also feeling hunger and sweating .. doctor said because of medicine
Recently last 9 months my knees are pain when I am walking and climbing stairs .
focus on losing weight very sincerely
Detailed Answer:
Good to hear from you again.
Your weight is more. As per your height your body mass index(ratio of height and weight) is 32. For a adult male the normal value is 25,means your ideal weight as per your height is 70kg.
You should also focus on losing weight very sincerely.
The symptoms that you are having are normal and experienced by many. The pain that you are having in your knees may be due to overweight.
Your fasting insulin level is high. This is suggesting of insulin resistance in your body: means insulin is not able to work properly in digesting sugar and that is the reason why more and more insulin is secreted.
Looking to everything I think you should consult an endocrinologist if not done already.