How To Do Oral Temperature Measurement Without Irritation?
How to do oral temperature measurement without irritation.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
I can understand that having a thermometer in your mouth can be irritating if you try to hold it in place with your mouth. But you may be successful if using an oral digital thermometer if you gently put the thermometer under your tongue, close your lips, and hold the thermometer with your hand. Don't let your mouth have to do the work. This should not be as irritating as having something moving around in your mouth.
Oral temperature is the standard for taking adults' temperatures. If it is impossible, you can put the thermometer in your armpit, but it is not quite as accurate (and tends to be 1/2 to 1 degree Fahrenheit less than oral temp). You can also purchase a tympanic (ear) thermometer (which tends to be 1/2 to 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than oral temperature).
Try gently and carefully holding the oral thermometer and you may not have a problem. This is the best way.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information.