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It is a pleasure answering your queries.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXXXXX Thanks for the appreciation,
A small amount of discharge may be due to
pregnancy or infection. If the discharge has a bad smell is more likely to be infection. You will need a vaginal swab test to see what it is and if it is an infection it will need treatment.
The feeling of fullness, gases and early satiety are all due to
hormonal changes during pregnancy. It is good that you feel hungry. Try to take small frequent meals. If there are too much gases, try to avoid food that has lot of seeds like pomegranates or tomatoes etc as they cause more gases. This is the reason I suggested a light walk twice daily as it helps one tone up the system and drive away these problems. Tablet pantop D is Ok. It has two drugs
pantoprazole for acidity and
domperidone for nausea. If you do not have any acidity it is better that you take only the D part that is tablet domperidone [separate tablet] as it is best to take as little medications during the first three months as possible.
vomiting during dinner can be decreased by taking tablet domeperidone or tablet doxinate 1 hour before dinner.
Other measures to decrease nausea are to take a dry toast or biscuit before getting up from bed early in the morning and wake up slowly. Have less liquids at the time when nausea is most and compensate for those liquids when you feel better. Smaller meals, addition of fruits like water melon and grapes also helps. Clear soups are very good meals as they provide energy, do not tax your system and also full of nutrients. At this time, you just need meals to provide energy to your system and also small amount of nutrition to the baby. The baby is very small, so does not need much now. So there is no need to eat more now. Just eat enough to keep yourself up and the baby will be alright.
Vitamin B complex with
lactobacillus are also very helpful in helping to maintain the normal bacteria in our intestines and help digestion. So capsule vizylac may be used once during the noon to help control problems with dinner.
The sleep problems are due to the stress that is subconsciously there. Please do not worry. I would also have all the baseline investigations like the blood tests, an ECG, and
ultrasound done now so that we have data for future comparison. There are so many women conceiving at your age and getting along well so please stop worrying.
These problems will go away after some time on their own, mostly after 3 months [12 weeks].
I am always here to provide answers to your questions.
Take care.
Dr Madhuri