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Diet and exercise for loosing weight
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Your answers
1. Lithyronine is using for
hypothyroidism and so we can not stop it, and you must have to continue as per physician instruction. whenever all things will go perfect doctor can reduce and stop it step by step.
2. Fluctuation in weight and blood pressure has many reasons and hypothyroidism is one of it.
3. As you want to cutting weight and want to control
cholesterol and blood pressure with diet set and exercise, please consider the following instructions.
- Reduce Spicy, Salty and Sour food
- do not take stale food
- Do not take Menda flour, Bakery food i.e. Biscuits, bread, cake etc.
- Avoid Pickles and Fermented food.
- Avoid Curd
- Avoid Junk food and outside food from market, take fresh and regular diet of home
- Avoid drinking much water at a time. you can take as per thrust sip by sip and do not use chilled water.
- Wake up before Sunrise and do not sleep in day time
- Oil, Ghee, Cheese, butter, sweets can avoidable or controlled.
- Can take Pure honey mixed with water ( not warm or do not have to add lemon in it) 20 grams per day.
- Reduce diet 20% from normal diet.
For Excercise
- Fast morning walk is most effective exercise, it has to perform till you can perform without any
stress of body
- Asana and pranayama and kapalbhanti is very effective.
if you wish you can take the following Ayurveda Medicines too.
1. Medohar gugal 2 tab twice a day
2. Arjunarishtam 10 ml twice a day with water
Dr. Nikul Patel
Ayurveda Consultant