How To Quit Smoking?
Medications + chewing gums + motivation..
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern. Cigarette can be as tough as any other addictive substance to quit. But with persistent motivation it is not impossible to quit.
You can try mind diversions methods as suggested in various websites such as keeping yourself busy, eating a carrot, playing a sport and so on when you get this urge to pick a cigarette. In addition to these, you may also have heard about nicotine gums or patches. Those can also help you get over the urge.
If none of these work, you can consider medicines to help you quit. I refer my patients to a psychiatrist to begin buspropion. The dose is gradually built to about 300mg/day over 2-3 weeks. At the end of 3 weeks, the crave to smoke and the urge is significantly low. You can discuss about this medicine with a psychiatrist / deaddiction specialist.
Varencilline marketed as chantrix is another drug that you can try under your doctors care.
In short, if you are motivated to quit there are good options to help you quit.
Let me know if you need clarifications.