How To Reduce High Levels Of Uric Acid?
I can give you guidelines to lower your uric acid levels
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Hello! Here are guidelines to help you reduce uric acid naturally:
;1) Cut out all alcohol, even alcohol in mouthwash;
2) Why are you drinking vinegar? Please cut it out.
3) Limit your protein intake from red meat. The less red meat the better. No oily fish such as salmon or organ meats at all.
4) Drink plenty of fluids - 10 8 ounce glasses per day.
5)If you are overweight and go on a diet, lose the weight slowly as opposed to quickly.
6) Avoid high fat breads (pancakes,french toast, biscuits, muffins, french fries, whole milk, cream, sour cream) Fat holds onto the uric acid in the kidneys.
7) Avoid purines like mushrooms, asparagus, oatmeal, oat XXXXXXX wheat germ, cauliflower, navey beans, spinach, kidney beans and peas.
Figure out your protein needs by taking .8 gm x body weight in kg. Then divide that number in half. That would be the number of protein grams that should come from complete high biological protein such as low fat milk products, low fat Greek yogurts (high protein), lean chicken no skin,etc. No fatty meats. One ounce of cooked meat = 7 gms protein; glass milk = 8; greek yogurt = 12 fm/carton
It is 2:04 am my time. If you have any clarifications needed, please feel free to check back with me. Our time zones may conflict somewhat, but I will definitely get back to you. This is a strict diet but please follow it as aside from painful arthritis this could lead to kidney failure down the road.
Thank you so very much for contacting me and I wish you good luck. If you are satisfied with the answer and do not need follow-up, please close the question out and fill out the rating form. Regards, XXXXXXX Shattler, MS,RDN
Yes, most fruits and vegetables except for the ones listed
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With your apple cider vinegar it should be organic, non-pasteurized and non-fermented. Some use it to soak sore feet in and other uric acid sufferers use the type I mentioned to make salad dressings, etc. So, that is okay.
Everyone will be different with allopurinol. Just follow your diet and keep checking with your doctor and he will adjust your meds based on your success with the diet.You can also go online and search for more information on high and low purine foods to learn more about this whole process.
Yes, it seems you are understanding. Don't forget the clean water, lots of it!
Good luck! XXXXXXX