How To Remove Tonsil Stones? What Is The Permanent Cure?
Thanks for writing in.
Tonsil stone are mostly composed of calcium, and their formation takes place in the crevices of tonsils.
Tonsils stones can be removed with
(3)Laser and
Tonsil crypts can be generally easily cleaned and stones removed with oral irrigator.
Curettage is required to remove larger stones. If bad breath persists in spite of stone removal, Tonsillectomy is indicated.
Prevention is only possible by resurfacing of tonsils with laser technology(Laser Cryptolysis), which flatten the edges of crypts and crevices.
After examining the case an E.N.T. surgeon can decide the best option. Therefore, please consult an E.N.T. specialist.
I hope I have answered your query. I would be available for follow ups.
With good wishes,
Thanks again.
Tonsil stones can cause throat irritation, symptoms of pharyngitis and or tonsillitis. Whenever you feel symptoms of Pharyngitis &/or Tonsillitis, betadine gargles will help.
But it is unlikely that the stone issue can be taken care by gargles. You would need atleast irrigation process to remove stones and for cleaning crypts and crevices of tonsil.
Hope, you are satisfied with the answer. If you have further query, I will be glad to assist you.
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With best wishes,