How To Rule Out Fordyce Spots?
Either lichen nitidus or fordyce spots
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being at healthcaremagic
I have reviewed the attached photograph and I can appreciate some pinpoint sized bumps on the penile shaft.
There are 2 possibilities: either lichen nitidus or fordyce spots
Lichen nitidus is a rare condition charactersised by presence of pinpoint to pinhead sized skin coloured bumps usually on the penis. They are asymptomatic and usually have a self limiting course.
Fordyce spots are ectopic sebaceous glands and it is a normal variant of skin of penile shaft seen in some individuals. They are harmless and require no treatment.
You don't have to worry as both the conditions are harmless. Lichen nitidus is usually self limiting but if it is causing anxiety or you want to hasten the resolution you can use steroid creams like clobetasol propionate or mometasone cream on the affected areas twice daily for few days.
These steroidal creams are prescription drugs and you need to see the doctor in person to get them.
I hope to have answered your query.
Dr Asmeet