How To Withdraw From Suboxone Slowly Without Any Side Effects?
induction and then maintenance
Detailed Answer:
hello and welcome.
I would recommend initial induction under supervision of a trained healthcare provider and then subsequent maintenance dose of suboxone.
For withdrawal suboxone dose is to be increased.
Both the above should be in consultation with your primary care physician
Induction (buprenorphine/naloxone [Suboxone])
buprenorphine monotherapy is recommended for induction for long-acting opioids
Day 1:
2 mg/0.5 mg or 4 mg/1 mg initially, may titrate upwards in 2-4 mg increments at 2 hr intervals, under supervision; not to exceed 8 mg/2 mg
Day 2:
Up to 16 mg/4 mg SL (sub lingual) as a single daily dose
Maintenance (buprenorphine/naloxone combo [Suboxone)
Target dose: 12-16 mg/4 mg buprenorphine/naloxone SL as a single daily dose
Range: 16-24 mg buprenorphine component; not to exceed 32 mg/day
Progressively adjustments in dose in increments or decrements of 2 mg/0.5 mg or 4 mg/1 mg to level that holds patient in treatment and suppresses opioid withdrawal signs and symptoms should be done
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