I Did One Line Cocaine For The First And Only
Have a hair test coming up next week
It will show up as positive result ?
Detailed Answer:
It's hard to say. While there is no direct data in the literature, if you test 100 reported cocaine users only 2/3's show up on hair testing. A different paper of "light users" 100% positive. This is entirely due to the sensitivity of the test; different levels of cocaine were used as the rule for positive. And, they ALL probably used more than you did. On the other hand, hair testing has often been used in other drugs to detect single use of low doses. It is therefore FAR from guaranteed that it will show up, but it certainly can detect single use of drugs in general.
The odds that you are lying about your use here is also not zero.
The odds are probably not 100% given that workplace testing generally sets the criteria for a positive result higher than in a research setting just so they are certain the result is quite meaningful. Army testing sets the limit higher than other places, so if you are in the army the odds are a bit low you will test positive.
They WILL be able to see that the amount was incredibly low IF it is shown to be positive. They MIGHT therefore have set the limit for firing considerably HIGHER than the level you test at.
My guess is the odds are about 50/50 unless they have a criteria of either setting the bar ridiculously low (unlikely) or high enough that they only care about moderate use (quite possible).