I Am 40 Years Old. My Blood Presure Is 166 87 Mmhg And My Pulse Rate Is 63ppm. Is This Ok?
Thanks for posting your query.
The normal range for blood pressure at your age should be between 120/80 to 139/ 89. A blood pressure above 140/90 is considered to be hypertension.
So your systolic blood pressure seems to be high( 166) but diastolic ( 87 ) is within normal. Such a blood pressure is called as isolated systolic hypertension.
In most cases, there is no specific cause of isolated systolic hypertension(ISH). Factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this condition include:
Being older
Being overweight
Having diabetes
It's important to remember that these risk factors are not causes of isolated systolic hypertension in and of themselves and may be absent in many patients.
Many times people with ISH may also have no symptoms but incidentally find it out .
A single systolic blood pressure reading of more than 140, however, doesn't necessarily mean that you have isolated systolic hypertension. Ideally at least two or more readings recorded by your doctor in different positions at separate occasiona are needed and an average blood pressure can be calculated from them which if more than 140 systolic , will confirm ISH .
Any type of high blood pressure -- including isolated systolic hypertension -- is XXXXXXX if not properly treated .If left uncontrolled, isolated systolic hypertension can lead to:
Heart attack
Congestive heart failure
Kidney damage
Isolated systolic hypertension is treated with lifestyle changes and/or blood pressure medications.
So do consult your doctor for confirming the diagnosis and appropriate management .
Hope I have answered your query.
Kindly accept my answer if you have no further queries.