I Am 46 Year Healthy Male Suffering From Lifelong PE Problem
I am 46 year healthy male suffering from lifelong PE problem. I had tried all type of ayurvedic and home remedy treatment but resulted in negligible improvement or no improvement.
I have no any other problem. No smoking. No alcohol. Exercise moderately. Weight is normal.
BP is slightly on higher side 140/90.
Please advise how to cure this problem.
Take SSRI one tab along with Sildenafil 30 minutes before planned sex.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been facing problem of Premature ejaculation since a long time .
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments and suggestions .
1) Are you Diabetic ?
2) Do you get normal hard erection to penetrate vagina?
3) Is there any stress factor in your life or at place of your work ?
4) Have you ever tried Sildenaphil (Viagra) ?
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a very common sexual problem faced by about 5% of population .
Taking drugs like Sildenaphil and SSRI inhibitors like Paroxetin or Fluoxetin 1/2 hour before planned sex does help to delay ejaculation .
Apply a tropical cream like Lidocaine over a head of the Penis (Glans ) 30 minutes before sex and wash it before sex ,It helps to have anesthetic effect on penis and there by to delay ejaculation .
Discuss the issue with your wife as her co operation is equally important to resolve the issue .
Consult qualified Sexologist to learn to modify various sex techniques like Start and Stop and Squeeze technique.
You may masturbate 2-3 hours before planned sex .This does help to delay ejaculation at the second sexual activity .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions, I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.