I Am Male And Attracted To Male. Is There Any Treatment?
I need also to know why does my penis stands when i see men and not women...i'm not XXXXXXX but its always that i'm not attracted to womans body just men ...i wanna know why ...i dont feel XXXXXXX but this is my problem ...its just wanna have sexual encounter with men rather than women although women too turn me on sometimes but its just this it ...since i was young i have felt i have this feeling for men...any help how i can get rid of that???
I really a tough cure for anxiety and social anxiety its ruining my life doctor...
I need also to know why does my penis stands when i see men and not women...i'm not XXXXXXX but its always that i'm not attracted to womans body just men ...i wanna know why ...i dont feel XXXXXXX but this is my problem ...its just wanna have sexual encounter with men rather than women although women too turn me on sometimes but its just this it ...since i was young i have felt i have this feeling for men...any help how i can get rid of that???
I really a tough cure for anxiety and social anxiety its ruining my life doctor...
Thanks for the query
As professionals, we usually assess three things. As regards to your questions are concerned:
1. Identity: Whether you consider yourself as male or female, whether your friends and nears consider you as male or female.
2. Sexual Orientation and preference: Are you more oriented towards same sex or opposite sex? Do you wish or desire to have sexual interaction with same sex or opposite sex? Do you get aroused sexually by a male or female?
As per your report, it seems that your identity is male and orientation / preference is male, too. This is what is creating distress in you.
This may occur in homosexual state, may be normal to adolescent age as yours age is now 21 years (if so, it can pass away with age), may be part of other mental health issues like Schizophrenia / trance and possession disorder (as you are reporting that you mimic like or act like others).
These conditions are treatable either with medications (if schizophrenia, with antipsychotics; if trance and possession disorder, with psychotherapy; if homosexuality, by behavior therapy).
Before that, you need to consult a psychiatrist for a detailed assessment, interview and psychometric testing for a definite diagnosis.
Hope this answers your query to some extent. I would be available for further discussion.
Thank you.