I Am Underweight By Birth, No Smoking Habit, How To Improve My Health?
Thanks for your query.
Good protein diet, multivitamin supplements, and regular exercise is the best way to gain healthy weight.
Do increase protein intake in the diet as the protein food builds the body which become permanent weight of the body. Weight gain due to fat is lost in times of starvation.
Fat and carbohydrates act as energy reserve.
Multivitamin supplements help to incorporate protein in the body which reflect on the weight.
Focus on free weight exercises (which do not require machinery) that target your large muscle groups. For example, you need dumbells, not fancy gym machines.
Free weights put the most stress on muscles and stimulate the maximum number of muscle fibres.
The best weight training exercises for building muscle mass are free weight exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench presses, barbell rows, pull ups and bar dips.
Hope I answered your query.
Please let me know if there are any other concerns.
Thanks for writing back.
Yes, you can take protein supplements like ENSURE.
Also if you plan to work out in gym, taking Whey proteins under gym instructor's guidance would be a better option.