I Have ED Why Is It When I Take Viagra
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query ,
Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have been facing problem of Erectile Dysfunction .
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments
1) Are you Diabetic?
2) Do you have high Blood Pressure (Hypertension)?
3)Do you have any stress factor that has cropped up in your life very recently?
4) are you taking any medications?
The problem of Ed at this age is due to following few common factors
1) Reduced Testosterone secretion concomitant with ageing
2) Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels resulting into narrowing of arteries carrying blood in penis resulting into reduced blood flow to to erectile tissue penis which is basic cause for ED
3) Neuritis age related and due to diabetes that cause disturbances in neuronal mechanism in the process of erection .
Consult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get following basic blood tests done
1) Haemogram
2) Sugar level to rule out Diabetes
3) Serum Testosterone levels
3) Thyroid Hormone studies
4) Color Doppler Ultrasound Scanning of penis to establish vascular insufficiency as a cause for your ED/
The further treatment will depend upon the result of these tests .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.