I Have A Gritty Discharge In My Ear That Is
My only theory is that somehow this gritty discharge sitting in my outer ear can be related to dermatitis herpatiformis (DH)that I unfortunately have due to celiac disease. For your info, I am 59 and only about 3+ years ago did I find I have celiac disease. (I also have a number of autoimmune diseases including SLE and RA, among others ) Approximately six months after my celiac dx, I had my first signs of the dermatitis when I suddenly had a large fluid-filled blister develop on my thigh and a rash on my elbow. I went to a dermatologist who confirmed the diagnosis of DH. I was given a prescription for Dapsone, as this is basically the only med to work against DH. I was told to take as needed (i.e. flare ups of the terribly itchy blisters and sores) The dermatitis causes sores, itchy red areas, small blisters on other parts of my body and these leave obvious scars. About six or more months ago, for the first time I started having problems with breaking out in tiny acne like bumps and/or rashes on the perimeter of my face, behind ears, and on my neck. I saw my dermatologist and he confirmed this to be due to DH. I was given a prescription for a steroid cream to use. I am very very strict with my gluten free diet and therefore wonder why I continue to have the DH be active. I am a retired RN and I live an extremely healthy life. I have researched this new issue and have not found anything of substance.
Therefore, I am theorizing that this gritty discharge must have some crazy relationship to the DH. If you can possibly elaborate on the ear discharge, I would certainly appreciate it. (And no, I have not been to the beach in a few months). Thank you in advance for any insight you could give me.
Hii. I am sorry for your pain and gritty sensation of ear. The discharge an
Detailed Answer:
Hii. I am sorry for your pain and gritty sensation of ear. The discharge and gritty sensation of the ear may be due to inflammation of the outer ear or may be the middle ear. The cause may be any bacterial infection or may be autoimmune disease as you have mentioned. I think you should get an examination of eye done by an Ent surgeon. He can see your ear under microscope and take some swab from the discharge and sent for culture and sensitivity and if needed he can send for biopsy. The report will mention what type of infection and what is the nature of the disease.You have to start the antibiotic tablet and ear drop according to the sensitivity report. It is very difficult to come to a certain diagnosis that the disease is autoimmune in origin. It can only be done after ruling out other causes. But the mode of treatment will be same as we are mainly concerned with infection due to autoimmune disease. We can add ciplox d drops to reduce the inflammation. So please consult an ent surgeon and do your hearing test also.