I Have A Sudden Onset Of Diaherria, There Are Small
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and Welcome to "Ask A Doctor "service. I have read your question and here is my advice.
Diarrhea is quite common and most of the times do not need to worry about .Causes are many including infection , malabsorption , food poisoning and many more.
Howe'ver untI'll diarrhea is very severe or prolonged we do not need to worry a lot.Most of the diarrhea are caused by infection ( viral or bcterial , parasites ) or bad foods and would settle it self in few days .It does not need any treatment except we incourage to take more fluids to avoid dehydration.
The white spheres are mostly undigested food which do commonly occurs with doarrhea along with some mucous .
So I understand , if diarrhea is not too much , and not for long time or more then a week, you shoud just take more fluids I hope it would settle in few days .
However if any of the follwoing is present you should see your doctor ..
1 .persistent vomiting
2. blood in stool
3.Low bp or fainting
3 .black stool
5. diarrhea is very frequent
or our feel very sick.
In the absence of above or any other concern if you have , genrally it's not a serious issue.
Hope it helps .Let me knw if I can assist you further.
Kind Regards Dr Rahman