I Have Been Suffering From Anxiety Since My Spouse And
Treatment after personal evaluation will help.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress.
Important aspects of your query are:
• 34 years old female
• Known case of Anxiety
• History of response to occasional Xanax use
• Complaints of: difficulty in going out of house due to anxiety.
Anxiety occur due to neurotransmitters imbalance in brain most commonly involving serotonin neurotransmitter. You may need treatment with psychiatrist to treat your anxiety.
There is need for treatment, if symptoms cause significant personal distress or affect personal/professional life like in your case, as you are not able to go out of house due to anxiety.
Both drug (Medicines) and non drug treatment like cognitive behaviour therapy (form of psychotherapy) are used for treatment. Choice of treatment depends on severity of symptoms, personal preference and availability of treatment.
In drug treatment two types of medicine used. For immediate relief of anxiety benzodiazepines (Like Xanax) group of medicines are used and for long term better relief most commonly SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are used. SSRI takes around 3-4 weeks to show its effect.
Antianxiety medicines (like xanax and SSRI) are prescription medicines. Prescription can be given to patient only after personal evaluation to the patient. For that you can meet with nearby Psychiatrist for help.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.
Wish you good health.