I Have Been Tracking My Cycles As I Am Trying
My cycles for the past few months are as below.
I have been using Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test which shows Ovulation.
August 25th 2019 - September 19th 2019 (26 day cycle, monitor showed ovulation day 13)
September 20th 2019 - October 19th 2019 (30 day cycle, monitor showed ovulation day 14)
October 20th 2019 - November 18th 2019 (29 day cycle, monitor showed ovulation day 12)
My problem is 5 days after my period ended on the 27th November 2019 I started with spotting. On the 30th November I went from light bleeding to a period and am still on period quite heavy. I am so worried about this as to what is wrong with me and will it stop me conceiving? On the 27th Clearblue Connected said high fertility. I am really stressing about this unusual pattern for me this cycle. Do you think this could just be a one off?
I did get pregnant in March 2017 but unfortunately when I went for a 12 week scan baby didnt grow from 5.5 weeks so subsequently ended in a miscarriage. I miscarried naturally at about 13 weeks. I had scans after to make sure everything had gone back to normal which luckily it did. I am so scared of miscarriage again but the way periods have gone I wont conceive anyway which is really upsetting me.
My GP wont refer me to any specialist until I have had 3 months of odd periods. He says if I conceived naturally before and my periods are regular I should conceive again. I haven't been trying very much due to feeling insecure about miscarriage but now feel ready and this happens with my periods
Hysteroscopy required
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I understand your concerns.
Following is my reply:
1) You need to undergo hysteroscopy test to examine the cause of excessive bleeding. Hysteroscopy is a test to look inside your uterus with a small telescope and see if there is mass/ polyp/ fibroid causing bleed.
2) If a cause is found it can be removed using hysteroscopic surgery. This will help in reducing bleeding.
3) This could be a reason for miscarriage also.
4) Other reason for miscarriage is increased age. Your age is more and hence chromosomal abnormalities in baby are high as per age. doing PGT-A test on embryos after will help to identify these chromosomal defects.
5) Your GP should ideally refer you to higher facility given your age and history.
Let me know if you need anymore help.
Dont worry
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This looks like one off and nothing else. Dont worry about it.