I Have Dry Eye And I Tried A Prescription That
Lu ricant eye drops
Detailed Answer:
My dear,
Thanks for sending your query to us.
We have to confirm that you do have dry eye. What are your symptoms and how those individual symptoms showed improvement by system drops?
There are various level of lubricant drops available.Patients who don't respond fully are put on lubricating gel.These have longer effective time so frequency of instillation is reduced.All these measures avoid any physical intervention.The drainage channels of the eye are blocked to retain the tears in the eye.
There has to be something amiss,Various aspects which we in our practice focus upon ,is the frequency adequate? Add lubricating gel.Add oral medication when indicated.Make sure there is no eye lid disease,which I presume your doctor would have already assessed.
Increase frequency of drops,add gel before opting for canalicular blockage.