I Have Read About Nilotinib Being Used For Treating Parkinson, Any Progress In This Area Of Treatment And Is This Something That We Can Look At As An Option? Are There Any Better Treatment Available For Parkinson?
Neurologist follow up...
Detailed Answer:
At this point of time I assume you are very well aware that Parkinson's disease is a gradually progressing condition. Medications and treatment has to be constantly revised accordingly. If his condition is deteriorating frequency of Syndopa can be further increased. Furthermore timing of dosage as per off and on period will help him deal with the problem better.
Similarly, there are other class of drugs that can be tried; drugs such as ropinirole, amantidine, entacapone, etc. Surgical options including deep brain stimulation are also being tried in a few patient.
Now, as far as Nilotinib is concerned, it is still yet to be approved as a drug for treating parkinson's. Similarly there are other options (like stem cells) that are yet in trial phases. It may take some more time until these are finally approved as treatment.
In the nutshell, since his condition has worsened there are many more treatment options available and approved. Report back to his neurologist and discuss.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarifications.