I Have Significant Pain In My Right Upper Thigh Near
Need to investigate
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Thanks for query.
Based on the facts that you have posted the pain around right hip joint and during ejaculation is mostly due to partial blockage of Ejaculatory duct or due to infection of either Seminal Vesicle and needs to be investigated.
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical and Digital Rectal examination and get following basic tests done.
1) Urine routine and Urine culture
2) Semen examination and Culture
3) Ultrasound Scanning of Abdomen and Pelvis
4) Trans Rectal Ultrasound Scanning
The further treatment will depend upon the results of these tests and final diagnosis.
In the meantime you can start taking antibiotics like Doxycycline twice daily.
Thanks and Regards
Doxycycline is available in Walmart or Costco
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Thanks for follow up
The Doxicycline is freely available in Walmart and Costco stores.
Thanks and Regards
Thank you.
You can get prescription from your family physician .
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Thanks for follow up .
We at health Care Magic can not issue prescription as we do not carry out physical examination of the user in person .
We suggest medicine which you have to procure from pharmacy only on valid prescription either from your family physician or from a qualified physician in your country .
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.