I Have Some Questions About Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer Can You Shed Any Light On This For Me?
about medullary thyroid cancer;
Detailed Answer:
I have gone carefully through your concern.
There is no need to worry because until now there is only one family member diangosed with medullary thyroid cancer.
So the chances to be an inhereted mutation are low.
Secondly, even if it was so, preventive thyroidectomy is recommended when agressive mutations are present, manifested with agressive cancers that has a tendency to occur in young patients.
If we perform a thyroid ultrasound to the general population, 1 in 2 persons will have nodules in the thyroid gland, so do not worry about your husband.
Even though, the dimentions of the nodules are too small and curable.
Hope the information will be helpful.
Best wishes,