I Keep Smelling The Smell Of Stale Tobacco Smoke. Looking For Suggestion
Thanks for the query.
These type of sensations are called as phantom smells or parosmia.
These phantom smells can be caused by damage to the olfactory nerve by chemicals, or infection with a virus or bacteria, or trauma. A tumor of the brain or the olfactory nerve can also cause phantom smells. Or it can be caused by the infection itself. And the resulting sensation is then confused in the brain with the smell of cigarette smoke.
Many people may get this sensation at one time or another, but if it comes and goes, then again, there is probably nothing to worry about. However if the parosmia or phantom smell lingers, worsens and does not get better or it occurs with increasing frequency, you should probably see a otolaryngologist and a neurologist and get studies to evaluate the cause of this problem. The good news is there most likely is a solution for most of these sufferers.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any other query.
Best of luck