I M A 53 Yo Female With A Positive Hx
Please refer to the detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
After going through the medical details provided by you I can understand your concern for your health and I would like to tell you that taking into consideration your age group and associated medical comorbidities like diabetes and a history of stroke coupled together with your current symptoms strongly points towards some underlying cardiac abnormality.
It’s advisable that you should personally consult your treating cardiologist as few basic cardiac diagnostic tests will be required to rule out any underlying cardiac pathology like any ECG Chest x-ray and importantly an echocardiography.
I hope this information will guide you properly.
Kind regards
Dr Bhanu Partap
Hello again
Detailed Answer:
No it’s kind of a vague symptom but could be related to nerve weakness in diabetic patients.
Kind Regards
Dr Bhanu Partap