I Recently Got Married And Am Unable To Perform Long
- erectile dysfunction
- difficult to maintain erection
- partial erection
- problem in penetration
- etc.
Please suggest me medicines or anything to help me perform better.
I am very depressed due to this.
Psychosexual disorder can't be cured drugs alone, Needs personal interactio
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
Sexual Medicine is different from other domicile of Medicine. Prescribing drugs on the basis of symptoms alone will not work out.
Human sexual act is not a voluntary motor act. It is concerned with mind.
You had not mentioned your age.
Recently got married. How recently? Have you performed penetrative sex at least once? Consummated or not?
Unable to perform long.Don't compare with porno movies or your friends words. Those are not real one.
Early ejaculation indicates that you are more virile. Had been aroused more. and you are having more love towards your wife. In due course, once your wife's body gets accustomed you can prolong the duration. The second coitus after 4 to 5 hours after first one will not have so early ejaculation.
Your partner's sexual posture also matters.
One failure or the thought of poor performance will lead to erectile disorder. Your mind will got distracted and you would not be able to complete the sexual response cycle, which ends, in not able to maintain the erection.
You have to consult an experienced Sexual Medicine specialist and he/she will find the exact cause and will guide you further.
Have a good day.
Dr S. Murugan