I Was Having Recklessness In Evening Today, And Thereafter I
Repeat blood pressure...
Detailed Answer:
Can you explain what you meant by recklessness?
A blood pressure reading of 170/80mm Hg is high for any individual without considering physiological / psychological condition of the individual. You should be started on antihypertensive medications. Are you known to have high blood pressure in the past? Are you already on medications?
If you are already on medications, may be the dose need to be altered.
At this hour, I don't think it's good idea to start / alter blood pressure medications unless you are at a hospital under medical supervision. I would consider good sleep. Deep breathing exercise should improve your mood and help you fall sleep.
Repeat blood pressure in the morning. Actions can be planned on basis of early morning blood pressure.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarifications.