IVF,poor Quality Embryo,tuberculosis,laproscopy
After taking treatment for active tuberculosis for six months self has gone for ivf but failed.Need to know should i try ivf next time?Also would like to know is there any cure for improving quality of eggs as what being accused for the failure of my first time ivf.Doctor said your embro was weak henceforth ivf could not work out.
Thanks for posting the query
I am really sorry to hear about that.
Genital tuberculosis is one of the major cause of blocked fallopian tubes which prevents fertilization.
IVF failure can occur due to various reasons as:
1)Uterine infection:First make it sure that the tuberculosis has been completely cured or not.
2)Poor ovarian response:It is the body's own mechanism in which it does not respond to IVF.
3)Poor embryo implantation:This is one of the most common cause of failed IVF.
4)Lack of adequate laboratory equipments and skilled treating Doctor required as it is very sensitive procedure requiring efficiency.
Patients with failed IVF have succesfully conceived after repeated attempts and I have come across various woman with these problems.
If there is no possibility of normal pregnancy then a repeat IVF can be considered.Kindly visit a centre where the Gynaecologist has much experience in this field.
Hope this answers your query.I will be available for follow up query.
Many Thanks for your response first
Genital TB has been completely cured as I have taken AKT course for six months and thenafter undergone checkup and results were absolutely fine.Now my query is what could be the reason for poor embroy development and is there any cure available to develop embroy/quality of eggs in the manner that can yield positive results.Kindly suggest should I try IVF again even after first IVF failure because of poor embroy development.
Thanks for the follow up
It is good that Genital TB has been completely cured.There is no reason as such for poor embryo as it can be due to poor quality of eggs/sperms or implantation techniques and in the next cycle or later good eggs can be expected but they cannot be differentiated.
Sperms/eggs cannot be improved in quality as it is natural.
There is no harm in going for IVF again but it cannot be guaranteed that next time it would be successful or regarding the embryo quality.
Many couples keep on trying for it until successful so it is entirely your decision to opt for it again or not.
Wishing you Good Health!