If A Bladder Has Lost All Elasticity From Being Chronically
Suprapubic catheterization is the best option
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts that you have posted you have chronic retention of urine due to enlarged prostate due to what is called as non compliant bladder .
In a given situation to put a suprapubic catheter to have continuous emptying of the bladder is the best viable option .This helps to
1) Avoids getting narrowing of the urethral passage ( Urethral Stricture ) caused by continuous per urethral catheter .
2) Drainage of the bladder is more effective with Suprapubic catheter compared to urethral catheter
3) Avoids pain in urethra caused by irritation due to catheter.
4) Avoids inflammation of urethra (Urethritis)
5) Continuous drainage of the bladder gives complete rest to bladder and helps to regain tone of the bladder muscles and may help to be able to pass urine per urethra after few months .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.