Infant With Constipation.Painful Pus Filled Blisters On The Buttocks After Eating Pre Made Formula
I would like you to know that breast feeding will be the best feed for a baby till first 6 months of age.
I hope if for any medical reasons breastfeed cannot be given to a baby, doctors are not supposed to start baby on juices but with formula substitutes.
Most formulas being made in milk and contain high proteins and phosphates and are likely to cause constipation. Prune juice should not be tried for such small babies.
Bubble you see may be related to some form of trauma to skin due to straining, but unless a doctor sees it, its difficult to be precise.
Enfamil does make stools loose in some, but often children may need medicines to tackle such constipation.
Applying a KY gelly/glycerine may make the passage of stools painless, but syrups of calcium carbonate, lactulose etc are often started by many doctors to manage constipation. When syrups dont work, a good number of babies do need repeated neotonic enemas for newborns.
Rarely there are serious diseases that may be associated with newborn constipation like say hypothyroidism; they may need detailed evaluations.
I would recommend if a neonatologist can examine the child.
thank you. feel free to ask further.