Insomnia, Sleep Talking. Unsatisfaction And Suspicion. How To Treat Someone Trying To Prove Themselves?
Your question is a good one and you're dealing with a very challenging situation. I will do my best to provide you with some information and recommendations.
From what you have described I have a clinical suspicion that your wife may be dealing with a moderate degree of depression. Depression can manifest in many many different ways. One of the most important factors which actually exacerbates depression is lack of adequate sleep. This can contribute to a cascade of certain symptoms including irritability in a patient who is dealing with this type of thing.
I think it really says a lot about you and the fact that you care so much for her that you have reached out for us. I will try to provide you with some recommendations.
The first thing I would like to consider would be her level of daily stress. If she is under a significant amount of stress at work or at home or with family or with friends this will certainly make things more complicated and will make it difficult to improve. If there is anything you can do to help with these types of things or to minimize this stress if it is there that would be helpful.
The next thing that is important to consider is diet and exercise. It is extremely important that she maintain a very healthy diet on a regular basis in addition to exercise at least five days per week. If she is not getting adequate exercise it will be almost impossible for her symptoms to improve. if she's not exercising right now maybe you can try to set aside some time to do some workouts with her including going for walks or riding bicycles or some other type of exercise.
I know you did not mention this in your question but it is also important to consider certain things such as caffeine or nicotine or alcohol. I think it would be extremely important for her to avoid any type of alcohol as this will make depression even worse. If she drinks a significant amount of caffeine or caffeine infused beverages you would want to pay attention to this and make sure this is not increasing her irritability. Also if she smokes cigarettes for example this is something which should also be addressed.
I know this is a lot to think about at this point and I hope that I have provided you with some good considerations here. Again I thank you for submitting your concern and if you have any additional questions I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert