Is BP Of 135/95 And Pulse Rate Of 75 Normal?
Needs further evaluation
Detailed Answer:
This is Dr Sameer, cardiologist.
Your diastolic bp is borderline high. Our target bp for your age is <140/90mm Hg. So I'll again ask you to monitor it. You do not need medicine currently for it. You just have to decrease the salt intake & do regular exercise. These will control your bp.
For chest heaviness, I'll advise you for cardiac evaluation. I will recommend you for a test called stress echo. It is a very good test to rule out any underlying heart disease. If it is good, than their is nothing to worry from cardiac side.
Coming to pulse rate. Having a pulse rate on lower side is infact good. It controls the metabolism of heart. But I will advise you to get a ECG done to see the rhythm.
I hope these help you.
Thanks & take care