Is Cannabis Effective In Treating Neuropathy?
A few suggestions
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Regarding the question on cannabis, it is true that cannabis is being considered in alleviating symptoms of many neurological conditions, neuropathic pain included. There are some studies showing a mild benefit. However they are small studies, not enough to draw conclusions about efficacy, short and long term side effects. Large trials comparing use in an non use in large numbers of patients are needed. So, while it might help, I can't recommend it based on scientific evidence. Perhaps in the future that'll change but for now more studies are needed.
On the other hand looking at your medication tried field I do not see any of the medications approved for neuropathic pain, so I would start there first. First line treatment for neuropathy symptoms (should help with sleep as well) are anticonvulsants such as Gabapentin, Pregabalin or antidepressants like Duloxetin.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.
Thank you for the fine sure habapentin may be introduced.My feet were ruined after 30 yrs on the postal service as a mailman.Now they burn whenever I'm does gabentin induce sleep?Sleepis my first line of help.3yrs,not a good nights sleep in that time.In ark. Med.marijuana is being intro.,per.neuro. Is one of the qualifying we will be the Guinea pigs.I will be more than happy to I'm 64 and only want to enjoy ,y retirement a little. XXXXXXX M Watson Saratoga,Ar
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Detailed Answer:
When it comes to sleep issues the first thing to do is to consider whether it is a primary sleep problem or another condition causing symptoms and affecting sleep. The burning sensations are one such issue and in this case that should be addressed, if burning sensations subside that should help with sleep.
So Gabapentin would first help sleep simply by aiding in controlling neuropathy symptoms. Furthermore I said it would help sleep because as most medication acting on central nervous system it induces sleep by increasing the neurotransmitter GABA production (independently from the action on neuropathic pain). That sleep inducing property is usually listed as a side effect but in your case it would be beneficial.
Let me know if I can further assist you.