Is Centre For Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIP)useful For Doing Screening And Assessment?
Psychologist can order tests
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.
Yes I have heard of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIP). They are produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration of US government.
The protocols given in TIP are very straigtforward and are use ful while doing screening and assessment in addiction cases.
Drug testing can be ordered by any health professional including the auxillary staff. Being a psychologist, its in the perview of your work. Any act which you do, which is good for the patient or in benefit of the patient, if legally capable off, should be gone ahead with. Ethically its not wrong. Regarding the legal aspects, the law of land differs from country to country. In US, as far as my information goes, the organizations, either teaching or working, can order drug tests on its students or employees.
Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
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Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy M.D.
Detailed Answer:
TIPs are treatment guidelines. Its helps you to stream line all the therapeutic procedure that you are willing to do.
Like for example if there is an adolescent with substance use disorder then I would refer to TIP TIP 32: Treatment of Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 3. Now there are multiple options of treatment given under it like therapeutic community, twelve step program, family therapy etc. In case i want to follow the 12 step program the details will be given as under.(Chapter 4)
Its a guidelines which the psychiatrist is supposed to know so that every psychiatrist can follow the same set of steps. Secondly it forsters research as well.
Dr. Srikanth Reddy