Is Ensure Effective In Gaining Height?
follow the advises.. maintain a healthy lifestyle..
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXXXXX Welcome to HealthcareMagic,
I've gone through your query and let me inform you in the first place that, in an otherwise healthy adult, there's no need to take any additional supplements(it's just another supplement for the malnourished or for those who are at nutritional risk)..
As per your description, your BMI is around 21.2 which is quite fine as per your age-group, so no need to worry at all...
However, as per your query, it can can be taken with either milk or water, depending on an individual’s personal preferences and needs (for this you need to check the ingredients of the Ensure brand, as there are numerous of them, and each one is different based on the individual requirement), ideally in an otherwise healthy adult, this should be just taken once daily (1/2 cup in a 3/4cup of cold water) at any time of the day after a proper session of work-outs..
With all these being said, my advice would be to simply focus on maintaining a healthy routine and a good eating regimen, eating in time, never to skip breakfast, eating in moderate portions and avoid all forms of junk/processed foods, maintaining a good hydration status by drinking a lot of water throughout the day, having a lot of fresh green vegetables, salads and fruits, avoidance of smoking/alcohol(if at all do), these should be fine..
Since you do not have any health issues, just focus on maintaining a good lifestyle and a healthy diet regimen, that would be enough for the wellbeing, overall benefits will be yielded by maintaining all these only, do not worry.. You can also contact the dietitians in this forum for preparation of round the clock diet chart for further guidance...
Take Care
Kind Regards