Is WBC Count Of 5.75 A Cause For Concern?
WBC not low, in normal range, low iron causes anemia
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HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The results would have likely come with normal ranges at the side of the form.
The normal range of lab tests can vary slightly from one lab to the next but in most labs the range of normal white cell count is 4 to 11.
This means that your white cell count of 5.75 is within this range, which means that it is not low, it is normal.
If the white cell count was less than the lower limit of 4, then it would be considered low but once the value lies between 4 to 11, it is fine.
Blood tests to check for anemia and to see if low iron is causing anemia, can include iron levels , transferrin saturation levels and total iron binding capacity.
If your iron levels are 9, this would mean that it may be low since this is likely below the range for your lab.
Low iron levels can lead to anemia.
Your doctor would likely try to find the cause of the low iron and also consider iron replacement to help bring it up.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
consider an ENT doctor
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Loss of balance can be a very disturbing feeling
If your iron levels are 9, then anemia would definitely contribute to your symptoms.
You should consider seeing an ENT specialist. Problems with balance may be related to the inner ear which plays a big role in balance since the MRI and EEG would have ruled out a structural lesion of the brain and a seizure disorder.
The inner ear issues would not necessarily affect hearing so that test would have been normal.
can cause the wobbling, tilting, off balanced sensation
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Sorry about the delayed reply
Inner ear conditions can cause a person to feel very off balanced with the feeling that either they are moving or their surroundings are moving around them. It can cause the wobbling, off balance, tilting that you mentioned
If by waves, you mean abnormal sensations across your head, then they are not usually associated with that symptom, this would possibly be neuropathy (abnormal function of the nerves).
Neuropathy can cause strange sensations in different parts of the body.
If by waves, you means as though you are moving , then this can be the inner ear.
Please feel free to ask anything else
a neurologist
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A neurologist may be best to person to assess the waves or any other abnormal sensations in the head.
You have already had imaging, he or she may do nerve conduction tests and blood tests
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I hope everything works out and you are able to find the cause and initiate treatment so that you can feel better
If anything else is unclear, can let me know
must be difficult
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Losing your balance is frustrating, affecting sitting, standing, walking, driving, so it understandable to keep hoping for diagnosis and treatment.
The most common inner ear cause is vestibular neuronitis.
Your doctor or ENT doctor or neurologist can determine if there is an inner ear cause for you or related to other conditions.