Is Zempred Safe To Take For White Patches On My Skin?
Your question is a good one and I will try to give you some good information and recommendations.
These medications are generally very well tolerated but do have some limited side effects.
Yes Zempred is a steroid medication and can work well in treating an allergic or inflammatory process. Side effects include a bit of water retention, weight gain and increased appetite. It may cause a bit of agitation as well. All of these symptoms are very temporary and will go away after you stop taking the medication. Again it is safe and well tolerated.
I know of no other treatment including homeopathic remedies which would provide you a therapeutic benefit.
I suggest you follow your doctors recommendations in working toward treating the vitiligo.
I thank you again for the query and hope my answer is both helpful and informative for you. Should you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga