Is A Black Patch On My Penis A Sign Of Cancer?
Thanks for the query,
There are many possibilities of brown spot on the penis. I will discuss about each of them, to reach your diagnosis.
It may be a
1- simple bruise-- but as you have told that it is not resolving, so chance are less.
2- flat mole-- A localized collection of melanocytes, leading to this condition.
3-fungal infection-- it is usually associated with itching.
4- Squamous cell carcinoma of penis presents as a fungating growth not as a spot, and at your age chances are extremely rare.
Now what you will have to do--
1- Clean the area daily.
2- Apply some antifungal and antibacterial ointment on it locally.
3-Try to avoid masturbation.
4-Take plenty of fluids.
All for 5 days, If still the problem persists or increases, Consult a GP / DERMATOLOGIST.
he will take a contact biopsy and the diagnosis will be confirmed.
In my view you should not worry, it is just a simple fungal or bacterial infection, and will definately resolve in next few days.