Is Appendix Operation Necessary To Treat Appendicitis?
This question is for my brother. He is having problem with stomach, so he approached one of the doctor and they suggested the Colonyscopy, after the report they are suggesting for the appendix operation. His age is 39, so can you please guide us with this.
I have the Colonyscopy report. Please do the needful..
please send the colonoscopy report
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HealthcareMagic .
Colonoscopy has around 90 to 95% efficiency to diagnose appendicitis. Since it is direct visualisation of the part so chances are there your brother is having chronic recurrent appendicitis. This usually present with attacks that subscide with drugs and recur again.
I suggest you to send me colonoscopy report so that I may tell it is appendicitis features or not. If it is confirmed appendicitis is there then he has to undergo sugery as it is cure. With drugs it may subscide for time being and again may recur and it can't be assumed everytime it will be mild attack.
Usually appendicitis pain occur in right lower part of stomach with or without fever and vomiting. At the age of 39 appendicitis is less common but chances are there.
Waiting for your report. Send if any other reports are there.
Dr.Deepika Patil